Posts Tagged ‘ iVAC ’


iVAC Newsletter Jan. 2010

Jan 28th, 2010 | By | Category: iVAC, News

Attached is the January 2010 edition of the Integrated Visualization and Analytics Community (iVAC) Newsletter. The Basic/Futures Research Program believes that regular communication is one of the most effective ways to enable our Data and Visual Analytics enterprise to flourish.

The iVAC Newsletter is envisioned as a coordinating function for the various activities coming out of the National Visualization and Analytics Center, the Command, Control and Interoperability Center of Excellence, international university partners and other government agencies.

The thought is to present and share knowledge of these initiatives, accomplishments in various areas (technology, publications, new funding, etc.), up-coming conferences and events, and other significant happenings to the entire community.

iVAC December 2009

Dec 28th, 2009 | By | Category: iVAC

The new iVAC newsletter has arrived featuring

  • CCICADA Kick-Off
  • PIE Workshop
  • EU Visual Analytics Portal
  • WSU Students at Argonne
  • CCI COE Education Initiatives
  • IN-SPIRE 4.6 Released
  • Visual Analytics at SG ’09
  • VisMaster Industry Day
  • TCIP 2010

iVAC Newsletter Nov. 2009

Dec 18th, 2009 | By | Category: iVAC, News

The VACCINE team gathered at Purdue University on November 9, 2009, to celebrate the official kick-off of this component of the new Command, Control and Interoperability Center of Excellence. Indiana Representatives Stephen Buyer and Mark Souder lent their voices in support of VACCINE and its mission. DHS officials Starnes Walker, Matthew Clark and Joe Kielman spoke at the event, emphasizing VACCINE’s research to reality goals.

Dr. Walker said the Center’s projects will help Homeland Security and emergency personnel prepare for, prevent and respond to terrorist attacks and other emergencies.

This and more news in the iVAC Newsletter of November 2009.

iVAC Newsletter Oct. 2009

Dec 18th, 2009 | By | Category: iVAC

The new iVAC Newsletter for October ’09 has arrived!