Posts Tagged ‘ Interactive Demos ’


Tools about the new London Bike Hire scheme

Sep 8th, 2010 | By | Category: Interactive Demos, News

A new interactive application written by the giCentre uses live data from the Barclays Cycle Hire scheme to reveal patterns in docking station use across London.

BikeGrid uses spatial treemaps to show the last 24 hours use of all London docking stations in a grid.

To use the BikeGrid application, find out where bikes and spaces are available across London and explore spatio-temporal patterns in recent cycle usage, go to [...]

RoadVis Demonstrator

Apr 12th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Interactive Demos, News

The large and ever-increasing amounts of time-varying and geospatial digital weather information related to emergency scenarios that must be accessible to the public represent a major research challenge.

A need to analyze and make decisions, often in time-critical situations, demand interactive web-enabled visualization tools that can aid the user to explore, communicate and publish visually large geo-information spaces. In this context, we introduce a web-enabled application for road weather visualization, a tool for analyzing and communicating information about road weather conditions particularly during the Swedish winter months.