Chapter 3 – Data Management

Authors: Giuseppe Santucci, Helwig Hauser

This chapter reviews the field of data management with respect to visual analytics and reviews current database technology. It then summarises the problems that can arise when dealing with large, complex and heterogeneous datasets or data streams. A scenario is given, which illustrates tight integration of data management and visual analytics. The state of the art section also considers techniques for the integration of data and issues relating to data reduction, including visual data reduction techniques and the related topic of visual quality metrics. The challenges section identifies important issues, such as dealing with uncertainties in the data and the integrity of the results, the management of semantics (i.e., data which adds meaning to the data values), the emerging area of data streaming, interactive visualisation of large databases and database issues concerning distributed and collaborative visual analytics.


chapter 3 (1.8MB)   [Note that the images are low res. to reduce the file size]